Super-rich Barrie Drewitt-Barlow today reveals to The Sun on Sunday how he has fall…
Human Rights organisations have urged Turkey to drop charges against 19 LGBT activi…
Suicide rates among those in same-sex relationships have fallen significantly in bo…
A man in Ames, Iowa, has been convicted of a hate crime for tearing down and bu…
A queer woman punched in the face in a ‘homophobic attack’ might suffer permane…
The late Whitney Houston's best friend has confirmed speculation she had a phys…
Two years ago, a "rainbow caravan" of gay men and trans women from Centra…
WARSAW: Poland's October general election is shaping up to be dominated nei…
The light-up walking stick used by a lesbian Titanic survivor is being auctioned ne…
A storm chaser has shared an amazing photo of his proposal to his boyfriend that ha…
Lawyers for Starbucks are arguing that repeatedly and intentionally misgendering a…
Indian sprinter Dutee Chand has revealed she is in a same-sex relationship, the fir…
An African American transgender woman who was beaten in the street last month has b…
The Cuban government has cancelled the country's 12th annual march against homop…
Activists in Ireland are trying to get American hate preacher Steven Anderson’s visi…
The Trump administration is continuing its attempt to block a gay couple’s child fro…
A taped conversation between Donald Trump’s former lawyer and Roseanne Barr’s ex-hus…
A Christian school in Harlem has been feeding students rabid homophobia for years. …
Marriage isn’t easy, even when you’re an A-list star like Neil Patrick Harris. The …
A Supreme Court remade by Donald Trump said on Monday that it would hear a major LG…
The Mormon church will allow the children of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender…
VANCOUVER Zoella Zayce displays no photos of her family in her basement apartment …
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